Once a clinical practice has determined they are ready to implement the CF-5A’s Intervention, PhreesiaPad programming preferences need to be determined. Decisions include preferred set-up specifics to match clinic flow and needs.
Ready, get set... Image by Pixabay.
Possible set-up preferences are described below. Once leadership and staff decide on preferences, the clinic's IT staff will work with a Phreesia programmer/representative to assure clinic's accurate tailoring and installation.
Flow and process set-up options should be emailed to your Phreesia representative, indicating:
Which clinic sites (if more than one) will have CF-5A's programming installed.
What language(s) will be used - English and Spanish are available.
Which patients will receive the CF-5A's intervention and at which visits the intervention will be implemented. CF-5A's isalwaysdone before the primary care appointment so the results can be used during the visit. For example,
New patients may be asked to complete the CF-5A's during their initial intake
Current patients make complete the CF-5A's at their annual physical visit
Current patients known to be smokers may be asked to complete the CF-5A's at every visit
All patients interested/willing could be given the option of taking the CF-5A's
Once the clinic's set-up preferences are decided, clinic IT staff is to be notified and given the set-up information. S/he will email their Phreesia representative requesting the clinic's specific programming preferences. Clinic IT and Phreesia programmer will then arrange a time to work together on the programming to assure set-up preferences are installed as requested. Once the CF-5A's Intervention assessment is programmed into the PhreesiaPads, testing of programming occurs.
CF-5A’s program testing
To assure that programming is set as requested, we recommend clinic IT and a staff member(s) test the CF-5A’s Intervention assessment on the PhreesiaPad for flow and accuracy. Testing for programming accuracy is to ensure that what a clinic requested is what was programmed, i.e. testing of PDF/printouts, language(s) requested, question flow and skip patterns. A few programming trial runs should be tested with a staff member playing a range of patient roles to ensure CF-5A's Intervention questionnaire accuracy, which could include but not limited to:
Existing patient - heavy smoker wanting to quit
New patient to practice but not yet ready to quit, in Spanish (?).
Annual screening of patient unsure of their readiness to quit...
Clinic's IT staff are to contact their Phreesia representative for any programmatic corrections needed, or to call Phreesia IT support at 1(888) 654-7473 extension 2.
After testing of tablet programming is complete and approved by the requesting clinic, then intervention training for providers and staff should follow.
*The CF-5A’s programming is not available for mobile devices.
** A clinic's EHR compatibility with Phreesia's system will help determine CF-5A's document integration. Inquire with your Pheesia representative.