What if patient does not speak English? Depending on clinic set up preferences the CF-5A’s Intervention is available in English and Spanish only.
How long does the CF-5A's Intervention assessment take to complete? It takes approximately five minutes. Some patients may need more time or staff support to complete in a timely manner.
What if there is not enough time before the appointment to complete the assessment? Patients can take it at their next appointment or an appointment can be arranged specifically for a CF-5A’s Intervention and intake.
What if there is not enough provider time for the CF-5A’s Intervention to occur? It can be integrated at their next appointment. Patients may also retake the tablet intervention assessment if their smoking habit has changed.
What if the patient is visually impaired or cannot read? A staff member can sit with patient to help complete assessment.
Can patients take the CF-5A's a second time if not completed the first time? Yes, they may need to start over with sufficient time to complete for the second go-round.
Can I email responses to my patient? Yes, it is recommended that the one-page file be mailed confidentially and securely.
How do I access patient responses on the Phreesia dashboard? In the clinical assessment section under patient’s name there will be a purple flag indicating interest in quitting and assessment completion. See PDFs and printouts.
How do I access provider handouts on Phreesia dashboard? They will be included under the clinical assessment section under patient’s name and their responses, indicated by a purple flag. See PDFs and printouts.
Is it permissible to have minors use the CF-5A's for smoking cessation? This decision is left to the discretion of each clinic.